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The River

Well, here we go! From here on, most everything should be my own original work. I hope you enjoy them.

This one got some pretty good response when I first wrote it. It seems as good a starting point as any…

I AM the river.

The currents of life and time flow through me. Without stop.

You may come at me with violence. A rock or branch thrown into me. The splash might be large, the waves strong. The debris may alter my path.

But it all dissipates. The flow goes on, and so do I.

You may come at me with beauty. A Fall leaf ablaze with color, or a duck floating by. Maybe a heron standing on my bank for a time, or a deer taking a drink.

I will appreciate you while you are here, but you too will pass with time.

And the flow goes on, and so do I.

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